Saturday, July 31, 2010

A light introduction...

Saint Therese de Lisieux is a beautiful example of a virtuous woman as described in Proverbs 31. Embracing “The Little Way”, she encourages us to follow the lead and needs of our loved ones by "doing many small deeds with great love."By creating this blog, I hope to share her philosophy of unconditional love , inspiring others in the same way others have inspired me.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Reaping Rewards

Proverbs 31:31
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

What better way is there to end this series of posts and the book of Proverbs than with a reward? The book of Proverbs is truly about wisdom and the rewards that follow when you choose to take this narrow path. In the first chapter, we are first introduced to a Woman of Wisdom. With the exception of God, she is the most important (and compelling) character in this book. In addition to being wise, she is known for her purity, strength, honesty, boldness, generosity, and compassion. A woman after my own heart, she walks among the people in the public square, reaching out to whoever will listen and offering lessons in living a long, prosperous life – all the while holding onto her good reputation. It’s not until the last chapter of Proverbs, Chapter 31, that our heroine, the Woman of Wisdom is beautifully expressed in the form of a Hebrew acrostic. It is in this beautiful biblical poem that wisdom is personified as a woman to illustrate wisdom at work. In reaching her full potential, the Woman of Wisdom is praised, with her value far greater than rubies.

What is truly remarkable about this book is that not only was it written thousands of years ago, but realizing the role culture plays in it. Think about it. In today's world, no one would have trouble visualizing a Woman of Wisdom. In fact, why shouldn't Wisdom be a woman? It doesn’t matter whether Wisdom is a man or a woman. What's important is what he or she is saying. Right? But in the culture this book was written, this image was considered shocking to say the least. Back then many would ask…”Where is this woman's father or husband?” Or, “Where is the man who is responsible for her, to whom she has to answer? Why is she out in the streets trying to teach men, when she should be at home, minding her own business? And why should any man be at all interested in anything this woman has to say?”

While drawn in accordance with the customs of Eastern nations, the moral teachings of Proverbs 31 remain timeless. One of the greatest lessons we can learn about Wisdom is that she doesn’t always come to you in the way you expect. Within this lies a very fundamental truth. Wisdom will not always come from someone you like or respect, much less want to listen to. If you truly value Wisdom though, you will ignore her exterior, take a closer look, and most of all… listen to all that she is willing to share.

Will you recognize Wisdom when she presents herself to you? What if she comes to you as a small child? A homeless man? An acquaintance, a co-worker you can't stand, your boss, a handyman, a former love who betrayed you, or your spouse? Will you recognize Wisdom during a heated argument, at the height of passion, or in the middle of being bored out of your skull? If we really want Wisdom to come to us, we need to get to a place where we recognize God's voice no matter who He's speaking through.

So where does the Woman of Wisdom reside? Take a real close look. Her words and actions define her.  Living among us, she walks down your street, and may even be found at the store or living with you at home. For the Woman of Wisdom is everywhere and right where you least expect to find her.
Thank you for the opportunity to share these personal posts in such a public forum. In studying Proverbs 31 this past year, the rewards have been many, with the sheer abundance being truly humbling. In learning about the Woman of Wisdom along with her strength, beauty, dignity, and wisdom, I’ve come to rely on my own inner strengths; have come to see an inner beauty within my own self that leaves me in awe; come to feel a confidence and grace that only dignity knows; and have come to know the difference between knowledge and wisdom. What’s more, in learning how to back up my words with actions, I’ve become the woman I am meant to be…a woman of strength, beauty, dignity, and wisdom. The greatest reward this past year was presented to me during my study of the Woman of Wisdom.  It was then this Proverbs 31 woman met her man of strength, beauty, dignity, and wisdom in a Proverbs 31 man named Justin. No words can ever adequately express my love or my appreciation for encouraging me to learn about the Woman of Wisdom for in her I discovered myself.

Remember ... touch a life today "The Little Way" by following the lead and need of others. Also, if you ever thought to yourself, "I wish my community, knew...", then be sure to visit White Light Communications at
~ Theresa


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

True Beauty Lives Within

Proverbs 31:30
Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain;

but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

In the first verse, "Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain", the word "favor" refers to a woman's outward appearance and form while "beauty’s" vanity vanishes all too quickly – much like a vapor. External beauty is often deceitful as what you see is not always what you really get.  On the surface, it may appear as though you are viewing a very beautiful, a very special person, but then all of a sudden the beauty fades as they open their mouth startling everyone with their expletives and negative comments.

Indeed, outer charm covers up a multitude of sins. Case in point… have you ever opened up a nut with a fine looking shell, only to discover that when you crack it open, the meat inside it is rotten and undesirable? The same holds true for beautiful actors, pop stars, and models. Upon a closer look you realize that they are known more for their broken marriages, substance abuse, and personal problems than they are for their beauty or talent. Beneath the external shell, there lives a very troubled individual who desperately needs God's transforming grace. Without God’s grace, external beauty and talent are fleeting with life eventually becoming meaningless and empty.

In spite of this, there’s a great emphasis on external beauty today. In fact, beautiful people are often more popular, recognized more frequently, and get better jobs. Makeup is used in abundance. All kinds of supplements and health products are offered with the promise of making people look younger and more attractive, only slowing down, but not preventing nature's natural deterioration. Surgical procedures are performed with alarming regularity to change, enhance, reduce, or “improve” a person's outward appearance.  Companies offering diet programs and exercise programs report record earnings from people who want to look beautiful and feel good.  One does not even have to leave the comfort of home to get hooked. How many times have you seen a TV show devoted to “extreme makeovers”? You know the ones that transform a plain or unattractive person into an outwardly attractive person with makeup, new clothes, hair styling, weight loss, exercise, surgery, and more. There’s no end to the creative ways in which mankind tries to beautify, preserve, and idolize the outer body. All without ever changing what is going on in the inside!

True beauty in the sight of God is not the product of cosmetics, but rather the shining forth of the indwelling Christ. When asked about the secret of her beautiful complexion, a woman once said, "I use truth for my lips; for my voice, prayer; for my eyes, pity; for my hands, charity; for my figure, uprightness; and for my heart, LOVE." The best part? You can receive a lifetime supply of these heavenly cosmetics for free when you invite God to live within your heart, mind, and spirit!

The second verse, "But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised", expresses that inner beauty can never be achieved without having a meaningful and intimate relationship with the Lord. When you do, His glory shines brilliantly outwardly in the form of words and deed for all to experience. Sad to say, many do not seem to realize this, sacrificing goodness and godliness in the pursuit of the latest trend or whatever makes them appear more beautiful. Yet the truth behind beauty resides in those who choose to pursue godliness rather than fashion for   “beauty in the heart puts beauty on the face”.

It is our words and our deeds that draw inner beauty outward. They are expressed in many ways such as helping an elderly neighbor prepare meals or volunteering your time to your community. It is the LOVE that you demonstrate to others that radiates your inner beauty. HOPE is also an expression of inner beauty with the belief of a positive outcome regardless of the event and/or circumstance of one's life and the lives of others. COMPASSION towards another who is in pain or suffering is also a form of inner beauty, feeling it tug at your heart. While you try to ignore it, it never goes away. Deep down it’s always there.

But what about outer beauty? Can’t someone view a beautiful waterfall, a majestic mountain or the brilliant stars in heaven without inner beauty? I think not. It is only when you take a long, lingering look that you truly pay attention and appreciate its inherent beauty. A beauty that resides below the surface and beyond first impressions. While outer beauty is fleeting, inner beauty is strong and resilient. It leaves an indelible, lasting impression on one’s heart, mind, and spirit, transforming your life for the better. Knowing this… I am going to seek out inner beauty in everything and everyone placed in my life. How about you?

Remember ... touch a life today "The Little Way" by following the lead and need of others. Also, if you ever thought to yourself, "I wish my community, knew...", then be sure to visit White Light Communications at
~ Theresa


Thursday, July 15, 2010

They are called blessed...

Proverbs 31:28-29
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”

These two verses express beautifully just how blessed both men and women are when they embrace the roles they are meant to hold; that of cherished spouse and loving parents. While these roles are often challenging, they are also the most rewarding. Much hard work goes into being a Proverbs 31 individual. It not only requires a verbal commitment to be and do good, but to serve as a daily role model to others in deed. As a reward for this commitment, their loved ones praise them in word and deed in return. Their children are grateful for their early training as it sets the tone for a lifetime; owing all that they achieve to their upbringing and to the parents who loved, guided, protected, and shaped them. Their spouse praises them too saying, "many have done excellently, but you surpass them all."

On a more personal note, I cannot tell you how truly blessed I feel when family and loved ones appreciate me as a friend, partner, parent, and more. This has not always been the case though. During my first marriage, my former husband would come home after work very tired. It was then that he would often be critical of the work I did professionally, how I maintained our home, and how I cared for our children. I cannot tell you how crushed I was because I was sincerely doing my very best to balance a full-time career with marriage and family life. While I received much praise from friends and neighbors, I was seeking, but rarely received praise from the man who meant everything to me … my husband and father of our children. While I did not realize it back then, I was trying so hard to embrace a Proverbs 31 way of life without a foundation; without a partner who valued and appreciated it. We eventually divorced, with my spending the last 15 years as a single parent of now two grown kids.

Then eighteen months ago, I met a wonderful man who changed my life forever. During the past year, he has been there for me as I experienced some of the most painful times of my life. He helped me through a former friend’s betrayal, as my business fell on hard times, as I became very sick with the flu, as my resources dried up, and as I was on the verge of losing my home. Every step of the way, he not only showed me through words, but also in deeds what unconditional love truly looks and feels like. It was then he re-introduced me to Proverbs 31. I say, “re-introduce” because like many of you out there, I had preconceived notions about Proverbs 31 along with its “following the lead and serving the needs of others” lifestyle. In fact, we shared numerous discussions about how a woman would not want to serve a man who did not love and cherish her; and that, if you read in between the lines every Proverbs 31 woman had a Proverbs 31 man who loved, cherished, encouraged, and protected her. Then one day he challenged me to study Proverbs 31 verse by verse to learn their true meaning. During the last few months, you - my readers - have been beneficiaries as this blog has been about sharing what I have learned. What is the biggest thing I learned? To my surprise... my life works much better when I follow the lead and serve the needs of others and when Proverbs 31 and a Proverbs 31 man are a part of it!

Remember ... touch a life today "The Little Way" by following the lead and need of others. Also, if you ever thought to yourself, "I wish my community, knew...", then be sure to visit White Light Communications at
~ Theresa


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Protecting Home Life and Loved Ones

Proverbs 31:27
She watches over the affairs of her household and
does not eat the bread of idleness.

She watches over the affairs of her household ... The Proverbs 31 individual supervises every detail of their home, taking care to watch over the household and to protect loved ones. This includes paying special care of what is going on in a child's life regardless of their age. While not easy by any stretch of the imagination, it is our job as parents to constantly "tune into" what our children do, where they go, who they keep company with, and yes... even monitor what they watch on television, the music they listen to, and the places they go online. While some parents may view such a watchful eye as spying, or worse yet...invasion of privacy.... our children, in fact, rely and thrive on love, guidance, and protection. Without love, children feel abandoned, become angry or bitter, and learn hatred. Without guidance, children lack direction, become confused, and get into trouble. Without protection, children wind up ill, injured, or worse. One does not have to go very far to find distractions; not all of them positive. Our world is full of them, all vying for our child's attention. There are countless examples out of Hollywood of what happens when a child is without love, guidance, or protection. Without love, Britney Spears' life spiraled out of control with attempted suicides and a nervous breakdown. Without guidance, Miley Cyrus posed semi-nude by 15, lap danced for middle-aged men by 16, and constantly exploits herself in scantily clad attire in front of the media's ever-gazing eye. And without protection, Lindsay Lohan's life at 24 is on out of control  Once a poster child for Disney wholesomeness, she's had multiple stays in rehab for drug and alcohol addiction, has been cited for a number of car accidents, and was sentenced just today to 90 days in jail! Our children do not know enough about the ways of the world to have the forethought or insight to know whether they are placing themselves in harm's way. What's more, they rely on us to love, guide, and protect them the best we know how. As Jackie Kennedy once said, "If you can't be a good parent, nothing else matters." Good parenting requires us to take an active role in our child's life. What's more, it requires us to be "unpopular" at times so that we learn what is REALLY going on with our child. It is only then we can sufficiently guide, discipline, and restrict if need be so that they are channeled into positive and enriching activities.

And does not eat the bread of idleness... A Proverbs 31 individual is not one who looks and says, "What happened?"; rather, they are full of energy, well-occupied, and a real go-getter in terms of making things happen. They cram as much as they can into their busy lives whether it is keeping the household running smoothly; helping family members achieve their goals; working in a full-time job; fulfilling a voluntary role; or something else. With a life so full, there is no room for gossip or talk about so-and-so; there's no room to be discontent or envious of so-and-so for what they have; and there is no room for feeling sorry for one self because so-and-so gets all the breaks in life and you never do. The Proverbs 31 individual's life is so full with positive activities that they are genuinely happy for other people's successes. What's more, they know that if they haven't yet "come into their own", they realize it's just a matter of time and use their time wisely.

Remember ... touch a life today "The Little Way" by following the lead and need of others. Also, if you ever thought to yourself, "I wish my community, knew...", then be sure to visit White Light Communications at
~ Theresa


Saturday, July 3, 2010

From wisdom, kindness flows

Proverbs 31:26
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
And on her tongue is the law of kindness. 
Throughout Proverbs 31, it speaks of an individual who leads an examplary life for others to follow. They not only inspire and offer guidance to others with their words, but they also back up those words with actions that heal and clearly demonstrate the unconditional love they have for others.

She openeth her mouth with wisdom
When the Proverbs 31 individual speaks, they are mindful of what they say and the impact their words may have on others. Native Americans are very wise. They respect rather than fear silence. In fact, by remaining silent, they are aware of the abundant knowledge that can be gained from mindful listening. When they do speak. they choose their words carefully, taking special care to only speak positively and of what really matters to others in the present moment. Through mindful listening and well-chosen words, they can offer guidance that blends past experiences with the company they choose to keep. The same holds true with the Proverbs 31 individual. By spending time in silence with our Lord on a regular basis and reading His Word, the Proverbs 31 individual seeks, mindfully listens to, and has a chance to reflect on His wisdom. Once this wisdom instills into their heart, they can live life accordingly to His plan and ultimately become the person they are meant to be. What's more, from the wisdom gained, they have a wonderful opportunity to share faithful advise to those entrusted in their care ... spouse, children, relatives, co-workers, friends, and acquaintances... based on real world experiences.

and in her tongue is the law of kindness
When the Proverbs 31 individual speaks, they are not only mindful of what they say, but also of the manner in which they speak. As my mother used to say, "it is not only what you say, but also how you say it." The Proverbs 31 individual speaks kindly and tenderly towards everyone. Whether they are speaking with loved ones, or adversaries, they do so with love. Further, they back up their words with actions that clearly demonstrate to others patience, respect, mercy, and most of all... unconditional love.

A beautiful example of this is the wisdom that my partner demonstrated to me. Early on in our courtship, Justin spoke of the love he still had for his former wife. He explained to me how their life together was not all bad; that they in fact had two wonderful boys and shared many beautiful memories during their 20 years together. Only the final moments of their marriage were bad. I was totally amazed. Not only with the compassion with which he shared it, but that he demonstrated this regularly, writing to her even though she abandoned him and their boys in favor of a new life with someone else in Sweden. He also demonstrates this with the loving friendship he shares to this day with a past girlfriend. When she has a problem, he often lends a listening ear and offers emotional support. I have to tell you that I was very uncomfortable with this "arrangement" for a very long time. I would ask myself, "how is this possible? or "if that is the case, why isn't he still with them?" I eventually realized though the wisdom behind his words and his actions. So many of us... myself included... tend to focus so much on the negative surrounding one single event, that we often loose sight of the many positive events in our life. Then one day, I finally woke up and asked myself... "Isn't this how I would want him to treat me if we were to part ways?" It was then that it all made sense. He opened his mouth with wisdom, and from his tongue the law of kindness flowed.

Remember ... touch a life today "The Little Way" by following the lead and need of others. Also, if you ever thought to yourself, "I wish my community, knew...", then be sure to visit White Light Communications at
~ Theresa
