Monday, May 24, 2010

Submission... the ultimate in freedom

Proverbs 31:23
“Her husband is well known at the city gates,
where he sits with the other civic leaders..”
This verse is particularly interesting. At long last and seemingly out of nowhere, the 13th verse finally references the Proverbs 31 man. Yet only after 12 vivid descriptions and just before 8 more about the Proverbs 31 woman. While such placement would seem odd at first, it makes perfect sense upon closer reflection. For when we believe in and act upon the Proverbs 31 passage in faith, we are actually using our work, our time, along with our talents, resources, and words to raise others up. As we continue to do good for others, we soon discover we gladly do so out of love for our loved ones and for our Creator too. This verse is the essence of submission.

Oh how I hear all the loud voices as I write this. "What submission?" "In this day and age?" "Not me, not ever."In fact, just the sheer thought of submission has a way of sending a collective shiver up and down the spines of many. For in an age marked by feminism and personal freedom, many women would at least laugh at the word as though I were telling some kind of joke. Then there are those who find themselves on the other end of the spectrum; those who would not dare do anything without first consulting their husband for approval. Paralyzed by fear, they wouldn't dare do anything remotely considered unsubmissive. Admittedly, my partner would tell you I was once amongst the former crowd, laughing at the sheer prospect of submitting to anyone and totally embracing the mantra, "No one is the boss of me." That is until recently.

I now truly believe that submission falls somewhere in between the two extremes. Submission is not oppressive. What's more, submission is not about losing one's voice or one's personal freedom. Rather, at the heart of submission is an attitude of service to others. A self-less, disciplined act of total surrender, submission is not done out of fear, but rather out of unconditional love towards others. No longer focused on one's own needs and wants, submission is an act of unconditional love, making everything and everyone around better as a result of our presence. It is in this goodness, in serving the lead and needs of others before our own that we have an opportunity to touch and heal the lives of many, inspiring others with our words and creating an atmosphere where others have the freedom to do their very best. It is in glorifying others, in glorifying our Creator, that the same glory returns to us a thousand fold and in the most beautifully  unexpected ways.  In loving and surrendering totally to the need and lead of others, in focusing on others before our selves, true submission is not at all confining; rather, it is the ultimate in freedom.

Remember ... touch a life today "The Little Way" by following the lead and need of others. Also, if you ever thought to yourself, "I wish my community, knew...", then be sure to visit White Light Communications at
~ Theresa

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dressing Our Home and Our Selves in God's Blessings

Proverbs 31:22
“She makes herself coverings of tapestries;
her clothing is silk and purple.”

The virtuous individual is diligent, enterprising, selfless, and practical; not only in serving the needs of family, but also in nurturing themselves and their appearance. Why? To ignore or neglect family and appearance, to look impoverished, shabby, or threadbare are not marks of spirituality. Rather, a modest level of material prosperity is in fact a sign that God's blessings have been bestowed upon His sons and daughters. Therefore, the appearance of our home, however modest, as well as our own appearance self are reflections of all those we honor and cherish: God, our spouse, and our loved ones. It is for this reason the virtuous individual strives to include both in their daily routine.

So how do we maintain a lovely home along with our appearance with limited resources? A virtuous individual maintains and prioritizes goals as well as uses their time wisely  so as to serve their family while being mindful of their own appearance. A creative individual, they create a warm, inviting home for their loved ones using elegant decorating ideas. They cover walls, furniture, and beds with hand embroidered items, colorful paints, exquisite stencils, well-made fabrics, hand-woven tapestries, and more to ensure every room, including the bedroom, is a sacred, inviting sanctuary worthy of the loved ones they cherish.

Further, the virtuous individual spends their resources wisely, choosing only the finest fabrics such as cotton, linen, or silk and selecting only the most glorious colors to match their regal and godly character. Dressing well speaks a great deal about one's true character and dignity for the outward garments that are worn is a portrait of the beauty and splendor found within. Most of all... and this is something that is often ignored... the virtuous individual develops, rather than stifles, their sensuality to sustain a healthy self-image, a vibrant marriage, and a loving family life. For the sheer presence of a virtuous man or woman is not only pleasing to the eye and to all the senses, but also enriches the lives of many with their beautifully vibrant soul.  It all starts with creating a warm, inviting place and in nurturing ourselves so we can love and care for others.

Remember ... touch a life today "The Little Way" by following the lead and need of others. Also, if you ever thought to yourself, "I wish my community, knew...", then be sure to visit White Light Communications at
~ Theresa

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dressing Loved Ones in Scarlet

Proverbs 31:21
"When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet."
This is such a simple yet beautiful verse depicting how the virtuous individual provides for their loved ones - both physically and spiritually - by anticipating their needs ahead of time.  By planning ahead with purpose and a firm goal in mind, the virtuous individual is prepared to protect the well-being of their loved ones from cold weather, financial hardships, or any other difficulties that may arise. It is for this reason that they do not fear for their household.

Further, regardless of season or circumstance, the virtuous individual does not fear, honor, or give reverence to any challenge. All are viewed as insignificant in light of their preparedness. In this particular verse, the virtuous individual plans for the physical warmth and comfort of their loved ones by dressing them in warm clothing of "scarlet." While the color scarlet of itself is not inherently warm, its use in this verse has significant meaning. In biblical times, scarlet clothing was often made of wool, thereby preserving warmth. What's more, the clothing's color provided desired ornamentation as the  scarlet color was considered royal or dignified.

The "Scarlet" color was "derived from a cochineal-like insect known as a Tola. When crushed, the Tola produced a fine deep red, or rich crimson dye, much admired by royalty and Asians alike. Upon closer examination, I  learned our Lord often compared himself to this cochineal-like insect or'worm'. For example, in Psalm 22:6, He shared, "Yet, I am a worm and not a man. I am scorned by humanity and despised by people." It is then that "clothed with scarlet" takes on its spiritual meaning. While Moses may have referred to scarlet wool as providing much physical warmth within the Old Testament, the  New Testament refers to the "scarlet clothing" of blood Jesus shed on our behalf to forgive and protect us from our sins.

Thus, regardless of challenge, be it physical or spiritual in nature, the virtuous individual is well-prepared to protect the well-being of their family. That through their faith and prayers, they do not fear for their household.  Dressed in the scarlet blood of Jesus, they are confident in their abilities to keep their loved ones safe, warm, AND loved. A colorful - and formidable - choice of clothing for all of us to wear indeed when presenting ourselves to the world, don't you think?

Remember ... touch a life today "The Little Way" by following the lead and need of others. Also, if you ever thought to yourself, "I wish my community, knew...", then be sure to visit White Light Communications at
~ Theresa